What is spiritual intelligence and why is it important

Spiritual intelligence is the highest form of intelligence. It enables us to understand more about the creator within. It moves us from being uneducated to aware, from being one-dimensional to multi-dimensional, from being disempowered to empowered.

There are three key pillars to spiritual intelligence.

The first is identifying Spiritual Intelligence as the ultimate quantum technology we use to tap into our inner creator: our ability to create the lives and reality we want using the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel. To be able to tap into this technology, we need to be a master of our thoughts and emotions and therefore have clarity and presence. Having clarity means having awareness of what we think, the pattern of our thoughts and reaching a place of thought mastery. Having presence means being able to operate from a place of emotional neutrality. Both of these will need to be mastered to tap into the creator within.

The second is Spiritual Intelligence as a gateway to accessing our intuition. Spiritual intelligence is the ability to access our higher selves and therefore access higher knowledge within ourselves. However, to tune into this, we need to be able to identify what is our intuition and what is our ego. Through knowing our triggers, releasing our emotional baggage and forming a relationship with and taming our ego, we are able to cut through the noise and tune into this intelligence.

The main element of drive and fulfillment is purpose and making a contribution with who we are and what we do – accessing our spiritual intelligence will allow us to tap into this purpose. This is the third pillar of Spiritual Intelligence. The higher our spiritual intelligence, the higher our calling will be to have a positive impact and the higher the connection will be with our soul identity as an inner guide and compass showing us the unique way we can make a difference.

Why do we need spiritual intelligence?

In the today’s VUCA world, we are constantly confronted with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. On a daily basis, we are faced with an overload of inputs and yet are still expected to make more and more decisions at a micro and macro level on a regular basis.

This presents a growing challenge when it comes to making informed, aligned decision.

If we are operating in this place of chaos, only making decisions from our mental body, we end up in a place of making bad decisions that have negative ramifications for not only you, but those you are connected with, eventually leading to burn out.

We need to connect without intuition and spiritual intelligence to feel our way through making decisions which will be much more aligned with our true identity and our unique purpose.

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