December 2023

Diversity Goes to Work Podcast Feature

In this episode, Phil Wagner and I discuss the importance of a collective and community-focused mindset toward Conscious DEI.

We explore how Consciousness is the cornerstone of mindful and transformative DEI approaches in the workplace.

Refocus and Plan for Success Masterclass

This Masterclass provides supportive insights into harnessing your full potential in your career by becoming a more Conscious Leader.

Learn how refocusing and planning for success can align you in your professional role to maximise impact.

Reflections and Resolutions: A Conscious Leader’s Year in Review

As we welcome 2024, now is the perfect time to reflect, set goals, and purposely shape the future. 

Let’s examine how Conscious Leadership can excel our growth and development in the coming year.

Meditation On Closing Chapters

As we move into a new year, letting go of the past, bringing closure and tying up loose ends is a powerful step towards personal growth, embracing new opportunities and welcoming our next chapter fully.

Meditation can be a profound doorway to closing chapters in our lives.

To welcome 2024, here is a complimentary guided meditation to assist you to start the process of gradually unclasping the tight grip of past moments, experiences, emotions or old versions of ourselves that may have served a purpose at one time but no longer contribute to our growth.

Through this meditation, we find a way to honour our history while paving a clear path for the future, embracing the constant flow of life’s beautiful and ever-unfolding narrative.