Lead Your Life
March 2022

Feature on Finance Digest
How does Conscious Leadership allow you to lead authentically?
Embracing conscious leadership means moving from the old paradigm of domination, competition and hiding to a safe place of collaboration, cooperation, and co-creation.
Our feature in the Finance Digest explains how allowing yourself time to grow as a leader, consciously, will enable you to support your team authentically.

How do you find simplicity?
In order to focus your energy on achieving your full potential, you have to rid yourself of distractions.
Accept that you need less, and that keeping to the basics in all areas of your life helps you clear your head and focus on the more important things.
So, how to you bring simplicity into your life? Read out new blog to find out!

Zoe’s AWAKEN Retreat Experience
Coming into AWAKEN, Zoe felt overwhelmed, overworked, and lacking joy in different areas of her life. She felt there was much need to rediscover her sense of purpose and find clarity.
Thanks to AWAKEN, she now feels “awakened”, aligned, and stronger – both physically and mentally. The sense of community was instrumental in her discovery of her sense or purpose and has instilled in her a desire to do good on a bigger scale amongst Conscious people.
Have you had time to complete this yet?
Where are you now on your journey in activating & navigating your next chapter?
Begin to successfully engineer your next big step by understanding areas of your life which are blocking your progression.
Download the 8 Steps worksheet and get started by getting the clarity you need.