Lead Your Life
June 2022

Headspring Podcast Feature
Listen to this Headspring podcast where I talk about how to lead in alignment with your beliefs, how to create better habits, and the old versus the new paradigm of leadership.
Have a listen and let me know your thoughts!

Do you know how to manage your fear?
We have all been in a situation that we felt fear and have been paralyzed and unable to move forward because of it. Having to overcome fear is no easy feat, but it can be done if you remember that our fears only own us until we fully face them.
So, how do you deal with your fear? How do you bravely forge ahead and face the uncertain? Read our blog to find out!

Annabel’s Transition through ALIGN
When Annabel started ALIGN, she was trying to gracefully exit from her current career and transition to co-founding a business, which was a huge change from her current role.
See how ALIGN helped her transition smoothly and successfully as well as providing her with lifelong tools that enabled her to manage the situations that she was faced with.
Save your space for the next AWAKEN
I invite you into a lifelong journey to consciousness. AWAKEN is a 7-day luxury retreat created to be a unique and magical experience to Awaken and Activate your Next Level Self.
Honour your potential and dismantle any barrier standing in the way of creating sustainable success in all dimensions of your life. Join me and other Conscious Leaders for the next AWAKEN experience.